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What is Content Marketing and Why it’s a Must for All Business

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Marketing your business can be frustrating, especially when it comes to new strategies. We’ve all heard about content marketing, but do we really know what it means and why it’s important? That’s what this article will break down for you! Here’s what you’ll find inside

The Advantages of content marketing


It encourages high quality interactions between organizations, employees, and customers. This leads to higher brand loyalty. It generates additional interest in your brand’s products or services. It builds trust in your brand and improves visibility of your product or service offerings to potential customers It builds an effective relationship with prospects that has real value, helps you get better at knowing what they want, making you more relevant. This makes them more likely to remember you when they are ready to buy something. It increases sales. The good news is that content marketing can be very affordable (and even free). Because it’s engaging, useful, and educational content creates opportunities for social sharing on social media and through e-mail marketing campaigns. This can help generate revenue by exposing your business to people who wouldn’t otherwise have been aware of it. For example, 15 minutes after one of our recent content marketing posts went live: Its associated landing page had been viewed 420 times Its YouTube video had over 800 views Its Facebook post had 73 likes In total our analytics showed 2700 individual visitors from a combination of organic search, targeted traffic from Google AdWords/display advertising as well as paid social referral traffic from Twitter DMs.

The Different Types of Content

With so many different forms of content out there, it can be hard to know which types are right for your business. We’ve already covered some of these in our previous post , but here’s a quick summary. While you’re at it, make sure to check out some examples of each type .
• Product/service reviews – Imagine you just bought a new camera from Amazon; you’d probably want to read other people’s reviews on that camera before using it yourself. Reviews give customers an idea of what they’re getting into—what they’ll like and what they won’t like—before investing their time or money in something new. Reviews are also beneficial for businesses, as companies can see how users interact with their products and use that feedback to improve future versions.
• How-to videos/articles – Using one product as an example, explain how someone can use another one to accomplish a task. Writing detailed how-to guides will help users by giving them specific, actionable steps they can take if they’re having trouble. If you notice that certain topics are commonly searched on your site or in forums where you engage with customers (as evidenced by metrics such as bounce rate), consider developing a tutorial or guide around that topic in order to better serve customer needs and boost customer loyalty—and search rankings too! • Customer testimonials – Have current or past customers show off their results using your products. These reviews can come in many forms, from written anecdotes to before-and-after photos , so get creative! The important thing here is showing potential customers exactly what kind of results they should expect after purchasing your products; be sure to ask for permission first, though.
• Behind-the-scenes articles – This type of content lets readers feel like insiders: They get sneak peeks at what goes into manufacturing various types of products and perhaps even some insider information about how things work behind the scenes.

How To Choose A Topic For Your Blog

There are several approaches you can take when deciding what to write about on your site. As long as you aren’t putting yourself in legal jeopardy, you have many options. Let’s take a look at some of them. One thing that should be clear right off is that any topic you choose will depend largely on what kind of business you run—and even how big or small it is. For example, there’s no way anyone would ever ask Proctor & Gamble to post online information about tips for using Ajax Laundry Detergent (however funny their commercials may be). But companies with smaller budgets should consider creating content that serves consumers directly—rather than focus only on sales leads. The first thing to decide is whether you want to create informational posts on your site or product/service pages intended specifically for lead generation. Either approach can work depending on whether people come first or conversions come first (both are important in B2B marketing). By doing both, though, you essentially double your chances of making an impactful connection with people who might buy from you later down the road if they like what they see now. Lead generation generally has less value from a branding perspective but more immediate value from a conversion rate standpoint. Also keep in mind that B2B organizations have different audiences than other businesses do so building trust requires different techniques. Once you figure out where you fall along those lines, here are three different types of topics you could use: Industry trends: These include things like forecasts or changing regulations so include not just factual information but also your opinions and predictions. This type of info helps prove your credibility over time (which is good) while also providing more-immediate value because it’s targeted toward one specific industry. Offering general advice that applies across industries is great too—like instructions on navigating legal issues which help show potential clients that lawyers know what they’re talking about (when applied appropriately). Remember that content doesn’t always need to be new either; repurposing old posts can make sense too since search engines love consistency!

3 Basic Steps To Increase Traffic to your Website

There are plenty of different ways to increase traffic to your website. If you already have an established website, you should be able to get a few basic pointers on how to make things work. Of course, if you don’t have an established website yet, then consider these suggestions for creating one. These are easy-to-implement steps that can make all of the difference in getting your business off on the right foot. As with anything else in life: if you’re willing to invest time into it, then it will likely pay off. Here are three steps that many people tend to overlook when trying to create new websites or build content related sites. Read them carefully and see which ones apply best in your situation.
13 Ways To Create Effective Articles In Less Time And Achieve Better Results Than Ever Before: You might think there’s only so much one person can do within a day but I’ve come up with a list of 13 things I do during certain times of day or days throughout my week when writing articles so that I always find myself producing better results than ever before! Even more than doubling my efforts, I’ve found these quick fixes work wonders at helping me stay focused while also keeping me positive because they instantly help me feel more excited about what I’m doing each day! A lot of people assume you need to get into the zone to create effective articles but actually, anyone can write great content consistently without even having to devote hours out of their day. The trick? A schedule. Anyone who creates content will tell you consistency is key. If you make some time on your calendar to write every single day, then amazing things will happen very quickly once you follow through on your plan. As long as you can force yourself to commit something small (even if it’s just 5 minutes) then go from there! That should be enough time for most people! This method has been tested over and over again for many years now by me personally, as well as countless others who have applied similar techniques in their own lives. It works – period. I never would have guessed how life-changing an app like Todoist could be back when I first got started using it. Nowadays though, whenever someone asks how I stay productive each day, I point them towards my morning routine with Todoist (yes, sometimes all it takes is getting started!). The best part about making tasks out of everything you have to do each day instead of waiting until you feel motivated to start working is that your momentum builds up automatically! It seems strange at first but start thinking of writing a few words here and there as its own little project – like editing existing documents or creating topics for future posts – and see how comfortable things start feeling!


The power of content marketing derives from its relationship with traditional marketing. The goal of advertising, or traditional marketing, is to reach as many consumers as possible and to inspire action—to make them believe in you, trust you, like you, buy from you or subscribe to your content. Content marketing uses similar tactics but doesn’t stop there. It inspires consumers to share your brand message with others using their own voices—the most powerful form of advertising there is. While it isn’t a direct sales tool, content marketing certainly helps move customers through all stages of your sales funnel. This makes it essential to modern business success because if you can encourage sharing (and therefore consumption), then reaching new potential customers becomes much easier.